Morgan City

Public Library


Morgan City Public Library Commission

Sex Offender Access Policy


The Morgan City Public Library Commission of the City of Morgan City has adopted on this 22nd day of October, 2012 the following policy for the purpose of:

  1. Compliance with the statutory mandates set forth in La. R.S. 14:91.2
  2. Protecting children from contact with persons who have been convicted of sex offenses where the victim was under 13 years of age


  1. I.Effective January 1, 2013, persons who have been convicted of sex offenses where the victim was under the age of 13 (referred to as “sex offenders” for purposes of this policy/regulation) are restricted in their access to public library property, as follows:
  1. a.Children’s Areas – No sex offender shall be physically present in any area of the library designated as a “children’s area” or “young readers’ area”
  2. b.Peak Children’s Hours – No sex offender shall be physically present on public library property during peak hours of children’s use of the library.
    1. i.During the school year, peak hours are defined as 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
    2. ii.During the summer and school holidays, peak hours are defined as 11:00 am to 6:00 pm.
    3. iii.Peak hours of children’s use also include hours during which children’s programs are scheduled. A schedule will be posted at the entrance of the library.
    4. c.Loitering within 1,000 feet – No sex offender shall loiter within 1,000 feet of public library property.
    5. d.Employment - No sex offender shall apply for, work for, or otherwise provide services to a library branch as an employee, contractor, sub-contractor, or volunteer
  1. II.Exceptions to these restrictions are:
  2. a.Police station/courthouse/polling station – There shall be no violation of this regulation if the sex offender is reporting to a police station, courthouse, or polling station that is within the restricted area.
  3. b.With special permission – There shall be no violation of this regulation if the sex offender has requested and has been granted written permission to be physically present on public library property from the library director or his designee, and the sex offender complies with any special restrictions contained within the permission.
  1. III.The Library Director shall be responsible for developing and implementing administrative and management procedures in furtherance of the policies stated herein. Recommended procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:
  1. a.Background checks – Implement procedures to provide that library employees, contractors, sub-contractors, and volunteers who will interact with children or will be required to work in the restricted areas maybe subject to criminal background checks.
  2. b.Configuration – To the extent possible, each library branch shall be arranged in a manner to ensure that areas devoted to children and young readers may be easily supervised by library staff, and such areas are segregated from other library resources and facilities.
  3. c.Notice – Implement procedures to ensure adequate public notice of each library branch’s times and dates of peak children’s hours and children’s programming. Adequate notice may include posting such information in a prominent location near the library’s entrance and on the library’s website.
  4. d.Surrogate – Implement procedures to allow sex offenders to authorize a surrogate to check out library materials using the sex offender’s library card.
  5. e.Enforcement – Implement procedures to update policies, where necessary, and enforce policies regarding unattendedchildren.
  1. IV.The Library Director and members of the public are invited to make recommendations to the Library Board to improve this regulation or suggest legislative changes that will allow public libraries to more effectively achieve the public purposes set forth herein. Those recommendations, along with any supporting documentation, should be submitted annually to the Library Board by or before October 1st, Attention:  Director, Morgan City Public Library.


  1. V.Authority Note

Act 693 of the 2012 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature amended and re-enacted R.S. 14.91.2. The effective date of the Act is January 1, 2013.


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Morgan City, La.
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Morgan City Public Library.